Summer Story Sale

Hi Beautiful Campers!

I hope you’re all well, and staying cool. Whether you’re baking—I mean basking—by the lake, sheltering in the woods or just hiding out in the AC, I have some fantasy stories for you, to take you to cool, dark, interesting places. From June 23-27, these stories will be on sale on Amazon.

Wizards, Woods and Gods: Short Stories. $0.99
Twelve stories involving swords, sorcery, love, gods, assassins, shapeshifters, wizards, war…and a badass cat or two. 206 pages. “F.T. McKinstry writes in a way that involves all the senses. Highly recommended.”

The Sea Witch’s Bargain. This story is included in Wizards, Woods and Gods.
An ordinary hedge witch falls afoul of an ancient order of sorcerers. They know her secrets. They know her weaknesses. And she has something they want. To escape them, she must make a deal with a devious, vengeful monster that will most certainly get her killed, unless she uses all her wits and then some. 24 pages. “Grim, eerie, almost tangible world building.” Based on an excerpt from The Wolf Lords, Book 2 in The Fylking.

A Northward Gaze: A Novella. Free!
An old forest with a dark history. An old family with a lot of secrets. And a young woman who sees faces and creatures in the floral patterns of her bedroom wallpaper. When an unholy tryst with an elven lord and a series of grisly, unexplained deaths drive her into the labyrinth of a faerie curse put on her bloodline in a centuries-old crossroads bargain, she must sacrifice the dearest thing to her in all the world—or lose her life and serve the Unseelie Fae for all eternity. 124 pages.

These stories are all available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.

© F.T. McKinstry 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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