Summer Story Sale

Hi Beautiful Campers!

I hope you’re all well, and staying cool. Whether you’re baking—I mean basking—by the lake, sheltering in the woods or just hiding out in the AC, I have some fantasy stories for you, to take you to cool, dark, interesting places. From June 23-27, these stories will be on sale on Amazon.

Wizards, Woods and Gods: Short Stories. $0.99
Twelve stories involving swords, sorcery, love, gods, assassins, shapeshifters, wizards, war…and a badass cat or two. 206 pages. “F.T. McKinstry writes in a way that involves all the senses. Highly recommended.”

The Sea Witch’s Bargain. This story is included in Wizards, Woods and Gods.
An ordinary hedge witch falls afoul of an ancient order of sorcerers. They know her secrets. They know her weaknesses. And she has something they want. To escape them, she must make a deal with a devious, vengeful monster that will most certainly get her killed, unless she uses all her wits and then some. 24 pages. “Grim, eerie, almost tangible world building.” Based on an excerpt from The Wolf Lords, Book 2 in The Fylking.

A Northward Gaze: A Novella. Free!
An old forest with a dark history. An old family with a lot of secrets. And a young woman who sees faces and creatures in the floral patterns of her bedroom wallpaper. When an unholy tryst with an elven lord and a series of grisly, unexplained deaths drive her into the labyrinth of a faerie curse put on her bloodline in a centuries-old crossroads bargain, she must sacrifice the dearest thing to her in all the world—or lose her life and serve the Unseelie Fae for all eternity. 124 pages.

These stories are all available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.

© F.T. McKinstry 2024. All Rights Reserved.

Holiday Heroic Fantasy Sale

Hi Campers. Ready for the holidays? Yeah, me neither. Looking for something to read? Considering all the horrors in the world right now, I think we could do with some heroes. I don’t see too many of those around, so how about some stories where heroes abound, even if said heroes are a bit dark and tormented and don’t much care about your problems but hey, let’s face it, those are the best kind.

Never fear! The box set for the Chronicles of Ealiron is now on sale. These stories feature an assassin called Lorth of Ostarin who serves the Old Powers, is very good at what he does, and possesses enough shady magical skills to get him on the wrong side of all the wrong people. Follow his redoubtable exploits through an epic world where he and anyone daft—or desperate—enough to take up with him will face wizards, warlords, witches, gods, nasty villains and well, monsters because nothing is epic without monsters, especially beautiful, immortal monsters not even a hero can kill.

This Omnibus edition includes Books 1-4, maps and glossaries, so it will keep you engaged for a while. Normally $9.99, it will be marked down to $2.99 through Nov. 13. You can get it here:

Barnes & Noble

Want another cookie? Sure you do. Raven of the West, a long short story that takes place in the world of Ealiron, is about a lonely wizard who gets into a great deal of trouble after crossing a dark priestess with a hidden agenda.

From November 9-13, this story will be available for free on Amazon. You can also read it on Kindle Unlimited.

Oh, and spoiler alert: this wizard is a hero, too. Because yeah, we just can’t have too many of those nowadays.

© F.T. McKinstry 2023. All Rights Reserved.

October Dark Fantasy Book Sale

Greetings, spooky peeps!

It’s that time of year again. Flying leaves, dark windy nights, black cats in menacing poses, and pumpkin spice 🤮.

Time for a treat! October 8-10, both books in The Fylking series will be on sale on Amazon: Outpost will be FREE; and The Wolf Lords will be $2.99. Better than a king-size Snickers bar. Well, okay, that’s a weighty claim, but books won’t make your teeth rot. Probably.

Enjoy yourselves, stay safe and if you’re into pumpkin spice, I forgive you.

Little Tree, by F.T. McKinstry

Outpost Cover ArtOutpost, Book One in The Fylking.

A race of immortal warriors who live by the sword.
A gate between the worlds.
Warriors, royals, seers and warlocks living in uneasy peace on one side of the Veil.
Until now.

“The tone is excellent, reminiscent of some of the earliest examples of grim Norse fantasy.” – G.R. Matthews, Fantasy Faction
SPFBO Finalist

Also available on Kindle Unlimited.

The Wolf Lords Cover ArtThe Wolf Lords, Book Two in The Fylking.

A wounded immortal warlock bent on reprisal.
An ancient order of sorcerers hungry for power.
Warriors beset by armies of demons and immortals.
And a lonely hedge witch whose dark secrets could change everything.
…If only they could find her.

“This is a gem of a novel.” – Leslie Jones, Readers’ Favorite

Also available on Kindle Unlimited.

Masters of the Veil, Book 3 in The Fylking..

The war is over. The Fylking’s ancient enemy was destroyed, and the Veil between the worlds has been restored. Mortals have buried their dead and begun to heal despite the specters of war haunting their dreams.

But there was one thing no one, mortals and immortals alike, had considered as they put the High Warlock of Chaos to a fiery sword.

His master.

Coming in 2024.

© F.T. McKinstry 2023. All Rights Reserved.

Sneaky Owls and a Midsummer Book Sale

Greetings, campers.

I hope the summer solstice found you well. The days are getting shorter now, technically, though depending on where you live, you’ll have some time before that becomes obvious. In the north where I live, the shift between summer and autumn swoops down as quietly and with the same deadly precision as an owl.

Yeah. It’s a thing.

But enough of such grim imagery–unless of course you’re into that, in which case I have a book sale for you. For the next few days, you can get the first book in the Chronicles of Ealiron, The Hunter’s Rede, for free. In this tale, a highly paid assassin with the rough skills of a wizard and a penchant for bringing things to their darkest ends discovers there are worse things in the dark than him. Wizards, war and badassery abound.

The next three books in the series, in which our redoubtable assassin gets involved in all kinds of otherworldly mayhem–with the same stealth and skill as the aforementioned owl–will be offered at a discount.

The party starts here: Amazon
You can also get this series on Kindle Unlimited.

Cheers, and stay cool. 😎

© F.T. McKinstry 2023. All Rights Reserved.